The pre-event seminar was postponed to Sep. 8th because of TYHOON!!!
Notice: On Sep. 4 (Tuesday), Kyoto Sangyo University is closed all day.
The satellite workshop of DLT'18 will be held at Kyoto Sangyo University, Kyoto, Japan on September 5-7, 2018 before the DLT'18. (

The workshop is dedicated to celebrating Professor Masami Ito's 77th (喜寿 kiju = happy age) and Professor Pál Dömösi's 75th birthday and their long friendship and collaboration.
The purpose of the workshop is to discuss recent developments in the field of algebraic systems related to the theoretical computer science, informatics, non-classical computing represented by quantum computing. But, the topics are not limited to those fields. Works consisting of innovative ideas, short papers and work in progress are also welcomed.
The topics include, but are not limited to:
- grammars, acceptors, and transducers for words, trees, and graphs;
- algebraic theories of automata;
- algorithmic, combinatorial, and algebraic properties of words and languages;
- variable length codes;
- symbolic dynamics;
- cellular automata;
- polyominoes and multidimensional patterns;
- decidability questions;
- image manipulation and compression;
- efficient text algorithms;
- relationships to cryptography, concurrency, complexity theory, and logic;
- bio-inspired computing;
- quantum computing.
Important Dates
Submission deadline: 8 June, 2018
Submission deadline: 16 June, 2018
Submission deadline: 25 June, 2018 (extended)
Notification of acceptance: 30 June, 2018
Workshop: 5-7 September, 2018
Registration fee is to be determined later depending on the number of participants, but it is expected to be no more than 9000 Yen (~85 USD). The registration fee is to be paid in cash at the venue of the workshop.
This fee will include the Welcome party and the Banquet. The Banquet will be in a traditional style restaurant with special Japanese cuisine Kaiseki ryori.
Contact Addresses
Prof. F. Masafumi Toyama
Department of Computer Science, Kyoto Sangyo University
Kyoto 603-8555
Prof. Kayoko (Shikishima-)Tsuji
Faculty of Human Studies and Center for Liberal Arts Education, Tenri University
Nara 635-8510
(A Visiting Research Fellow, Faculty of Computer Science and Engineering, Kyoto Sangyo University)